So the last post I commented that I would test to see if I was man enough yet to have a beard. Per request of a friend I recorded the progress. I did well for the first few days and then the inherent male gene of forgetful laziness kicked in and I forgot to take a picture a couple of the days. So here is a sequence of photos that depict almost two weeks without letting a razor sever my progression towards manhood.
Christmas day at the beach, I remembered that I had to take a picture that day. Yes, it was bright.
By the end children where beginning to weep at my presence and mothers would whisk their children away from me out of fear that I might offer them candy. Due to that and other reasons I severed the follicles that bound me to my Latin roots and reverted back to my smooth face Scandinavian heritage.
¡Ay ay muchacho! Usted es muy guapo con barba.