Life is never what it appears to be when you’re in the middle of trying to fight your way through it. The picture of the puzzle on the front of the box hardly ever looks like the hundreds of little disconjointed pieces strewn across a table, with a few odds and ends that you magically happened to connect together. You stare at the box then look at your pathetic attempt that is scattered on the table, then back at the box and wonder how in the world the mess before you is ever going to end up looking like the perfect picture on the box.
Some might stare at the smattering of disconnected pieces, consider their options and decide that now is not the time to work on the puzzle. They go turn on the TV or find something else to do that isn’t as challenging. Still others, like myself, will consider getting a knife and hammer in an attempt to reshape and force those accursed little pieces together the way we think they should fit. But rest assured, a few minutes into the repair job you find that you have just made matters worse by compounding the amount of work that is required to make those little pieces fit together.
Here I stop and as a question? Why in the world am I even trying to build a puzzle? I hate puzzles, I have not patience with getting it to work. But with regards to the puzzle of life I am forced to either put those confounded pieces together or fail, and failing really isn’t an option, failure means giving up and giving in to be something less than my potential.
So don’t give up. Grab a cup of hot coco (because its snowing outside, since no one works on puzzles on a sunny day), phone a friend, get some new perspective and go at it again. A friend shared a quote with me today by Winston Churchill “If you’re going through Hell, keep going.” Hell is probably not the place to stop and take pictures or look for souvenirs. It’s probably best to keep to the path and get through it.
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